17th June 2020
Lisette Lucas:
Welcome to Podcast #20!
Podcast #20: Your Inner-Medium: 8 steps to build a strong, secure foundation in your mediumistic development. Discover your natural potential, grow and transform in a way that you could not have imagined beforehand.
You are a medium, I am a medium, everyone is a medium and if you want to discover and develop your mediumistic qualities then this is the perfect podcast for you.
First, thank you for listening, in this podcast you will discover my 8 step programme to lay a powerful, solid, stable and above all safe foundation in mediumship.
You will discover the benefits and pitfalls of energetic development on a medium-level. Plus I will take you step-by-step through the program that I have developed, which has been proven successful many times over by all the students who have successfully completed it.
Why is good, step-by-step development on an energetic level important? Well, think of it as like learning to drive. In your first lesson could you immediately steer, accelerate, shift gears, use the clutch smoothly, brake, look in your mirrors, all at the same time on the highway? Of course not! That would be asking too much, you would get confused and it would even be dangerous to drive at speeds where you would not control yourself and the vehicle with all the possible consequences.
It is exactly the same as you work on the development of your mediumistic and energetic qualities. If you go straight into it without knowing the ins and outs, there is a chance that you will go far too fast in an irresponsible way. Doing so you will receive too much energy and not know where the brakes are, i.e. you won’t understand how to use the energy. This can be dangerous - therefore good theoretical and practical development is absolutely essential. Not only for yourself, but for the people around you and the people you work with.
Everything rests on learning mediumship in a structured, disciplined way so that you end up in a natural flow. Learning in this way really lets you come into your own and use your skills as they are intended to be used.
Now you may wonder, it’s nice that we can all be mediums, but what can I do with it?
A medium is primarily known as someone who can communicate beyond the boundaries of earthly existence. This is wonderful and if this is your intention then I encourage you wholeheartedly. You experience things that many cannot believe possible or even believe in. In fact, you don't even have to believe in it. If you experience it personally, it speaks for itself.
I am still regularly astounded by the intelligence beyond our visible, earthly boundaries and our limited human awareness. The fact that you are listening to this also means you are a pioneer. It indicates that you are willing to follow your heart and soul and dare to venture outside the socially desirable frameworks. Believe me, I know what this can mean. But the most beautiful gift is the gift you give yourself. If you take the step and choose growth, development and transformation, you will discover the depth and diversity of the universe. Better still: you discover the connection and the oneness. That experience in itself is worth it. The healing that it causes and sets in motion is greater than words can express. That immediately takes me from the mental, analytical aspect to the sensitive, tangible, tactile aspect.
As a medium you learn to become an expert in feeling. The best part is: everyone can feel. What is less beautiful, however, is how many people are disconnected from situations, circumstances, traumas and events that belong to life, from self-protection, from the real feeling.
The 8 steps including the additional transformation programme will bring you back to feeling. To the pure experience, freed from learned patterns and beliefs that block you.
That is also where my mediumship & transformation therapy originated. It belongs together. As a medium you have to be like a hollow tree, you are purely a conduit, a clean channel of energy and information. That is absolutely beautiful, but you can imagine: if that tree is not truly hollow, but clogged up with old rubbish and pain lines the walls so that it resembles a closed vein, what will happen?
Right, then the energy and information cannot flow purely and easily. Then you get constipated, you literally get energetic blockages. When driving you can end up in a traffic jam if a traffic artery closes. In the physical body there are literally physical problems when a vein or artery is blocked with all the life-threatening consequences that entails. So if your energetic 'veins' contain blockages in your energy channels, you can understand the effect on your energy body, right? Then there are blockages that ultimately affect all facets of your life.
So that's why it's so important that you develop, that you transform old parts and then anything is possible. As I like to say in every podcast: you have endless potential! Everything is possible, really! Whatever you have been through, no matter how intense, no matter how terrible, you are in control. You are not your past, so what are you? You are a walking representation of the ultimate source of creation. It's up to you to get the most out of it. The choice is yours because you have 100% free will.
That makes it all so interesting and super exciting!
Studying to become a medium is to study at the ultimate University for the cosmic, universal consciousness. You will learn to transcend the analytic, earthly consciousness whilst being better grounded than ever before. Being a medium will give you a huge boost and shift in your sense of reality and also gives you gifts that are actually beyond words. Everyone goes through the process in their own unique way and reaps their own individual benefits. The gifts you choose will be those you need at that moment for personal transformation, so that you can develop, grow at a Soul & Heart level. As a person you learn to feel what your boundaries are and can express them better, you are more grounded, and you learn and discover who you really are. You feel the connection with everyone and you learn to be free of judgment and to live. This has been one of the greatest gifts for me. When you see the big picture, get insight and understanding, then you will feel, see and experience why people act and react the way they do. This changes your worldview completely: giving you so much more peace, space and freedom in yourself. Then you have the room to grow further and to become and be the person you are destined to be.
When I myself am confronted with people's behaviour, I see the pain, fear or sadness behind it. Then their behaviour comes into a completely different light and you can send that person all the love and healing from a real place. My motto: ‘Always come from a place of Love’. For if you give love, you will automatically receive love back. Those who cannot resonate this must first go through the old parts of themselves and break through any blocks.That's what life is for: accepting challenges and deciding to do so with love or without love, either way things work out. I definitely speak from experience when I say: acting from a place of love feels wonderful and allows you to live and vibrate in a frequency of gratitude; the frequency for manifestation of your wishes and dreams.
Media development is therefore a win-win situation, both for yourself and for your fellow human beings. It is also so much more than simply communicating with loved ones who have passed away, or speaking with those Soul frequencies beyond the boundaries of earthly existence. It is a lifestyle: a way of life that enriches, that can create abundance in all areas of your life if you use the right frequencies, take those first steps and leap into action! In other words, if you put the energy in motion yourself! I can give you tips, tools and reprogramming programmes, but at the end of the day it's up to you to apply and take action. Does that appeal to you? Then you've come to the right place.
That brings me nicely to my 8 step programme to discover your inner medium.
Do you want more insight into the concepts and terminology that you encounter in the field of media? Then I recommend that you also listen to podcast 6: Spiri-What? There I answer frequently asked questions on the mediumistic level. You can find it at www.LisetteLucas.com/6 or if you want to view the show notes & information of this episode, you can do so via the same link but with a 20 after it. So www.LisetteLucas.com/the podcast number
The first step of the step-by-step plan is also the name of my first podcast.
Step 1: Intuition
It’s such an important step - which is why it is the first and also why I created a free ebook about intuition and the reason it was my first podcast topic.
So what is intuition?
In my view intuition is the voice of the Soul.
What then is the Soul?
The Soul, or your Soul, is that part of you that is infinite. Actually, you live thanks to your Soul. Your Soul contains your Spirit, your infinite flame, your fire. The piece that comes from Source Energy or the source.
That brings me straight to the fact that we are all connected, all basically the same. All come from the same creative force. Whatever you call it, it doesn't matter. All beautiful names for the same infinite intelligence and basis of creation: the source, the core, God, Allah, Cosmos, universe, Source energy.
So at our core we are Spirit surrounded by the Soul. The Soul is the part where all our properties and experiences are stored throughout our lives, a kind of log and database of the universal energy.
I just want to add here that the information I share is a collection of my experiences from all the media schools I have studied at in the past 23 years. Do I have all the answers? No. In fact, some words from my mentor Mavis Pittilla (a globally renowned medium), perfectly encapsulate the knowledge we all have. In her lessons regarding life, she always says: ‘We don’t have all the answers, we only know one thing for sure: we are all going to die’.
Once this has been realised I always recommend that you learn and develop. The most important thing is to discover your own truth. Explore, discover more about the Soul, the Spirit, Intuition and so on. You are listening to this, so you are already taking good steps and doing so shows that you are serious. And that's great! This is the motivation that can take you enormously far. Really how beautiful is it, that you can make choices based on your intuition? Think of the voice of your Soul as your wise, faithful, loyal guide who always wants the best for you. Would you ask your best friend for advice if you were faced with a choice or dilemma? Most of us would, right? Well, the one that envelops your pure essence is always with you and available 24/7. I know which helpline I would turn to, and if you no longer know how to listen to your intuition, step 1 is perfect.
Listen to podcast #1, download the free ebook and if you want more, that's possible too.
My first step in mediumship is to develop the voice of your Soul, why? Well, as a medium you communicate with voices of other Souls. Souls with a physical shell or without, it doesn't matter. Understanding your own soul is a good practice before reaching out to others - if you want to learn to speak the language of energy, developing your intuition is step 1.
Step 2: Grounding
When you develop and learn to work with energy, you will discover that you are much more than a physical body. You discover that your energy is limitless. That's all good but I’d like to go back to the car metaphor - you have to learn to drive energy, just like a car. That is why grounding, connecting with the earth energy is essential! Everyone wants to immediately send their energy upwards, which is understandable (I also felt like that at the beginning), but doing so can go really wrong.
We all know thunderstorms and lightning. Lightning is a megadose of energy. What should you do if you are driving a car and are hit by lightning? I have been told, it’s best to drive your car against the crash barriers; thus letting that excess, life-threatening energy of lightning disappear into the earth. In other words, the earth, mother earth, can transform energy and use it again. Suppose you learn to work with energy and you learn how to let extra cosmic energy flow through you. Powerful, high-frequency energy. What do you think might happen? I’ll give a clue - think of what happens to a fuse box when it's overloaded. Right, then the plugs pop out.
Yes, this can also happen in the human body. Unfortunately, due to ignorance and not properly performing exercises, through a lack of proper guidance, this sometimes does happen. Which is why I insist on good training and guidance!
It really is so essential! Okay, I have to admit, if you prefer to fly, working on the ground is boring. But without working on the ground you cannot take to the air safely. So
therefore, grounding! Connecting your energy to the earth is step 2 in my programme.
In podcast # 4, I teach you 13 symptoms you may experience if you are not properly grounded. Go check it out and download the free EnergyShift Visualisation right away. Then you can experience grounding, which again is very important: never skip this step!
Step 3: Aura
Do you have more insight into your intuition and have you started grounding? Then you can continue to the Aura - your energy field.
You can actually see your aura as a reflection of your Soul and everything that is accumulated in it in combination with your physical body. Have you immediately sensed whether someone is high or low in their energy when you’ve seen them? You felt that directly, intuitively from your aura, the layers touched each other on an invisible level to the physical eye. But it really happens. Therefore, if that person is very tired, you may suddenly be overcome by fatigue and maybe even experience physical pains that person has.
I made podcast # 7 especially for the aura, in the shownotes for that episode you can find a free practice to clear and shield the aura. The practice helps stop you, for example, taking on others' energy; something which is vital to learning to control your energetic vehicle.
It will soon become clear why insight into the aura is important for a medium.
Step 4: Open & Close
Learning to develop therefore includes learning to control your aura, your energy field.
Everyone has an energy field and in podcast # 2 I spoke more about energy, I recommend you listen if you are interested in learning more.
In step 4 of my programme you will learn to open and close your energy field. In other words, you learn how to open the door of your energy field and how to close it again. As I said: you have free will and from that free will you determine what you will and won’t do. You can choose what you do and also whether or not you receive something.
It's all a matter of discipline and practice.
Do you leave your front door open at home? Or do you choose when it opens? Well that's how it works with energy too. Exercises, meditations and visualisations help you with this. At a certain point it will happen automatically. It takes practice but after that it will be of great help to you in all aspects of your life. Whomever you’re with and wherever you are.
Step 5: Chakras & Colours
Your aura, your energy field has a certain vibrational frequency. Those vibrations resonate with certain colours that are intuitively perceivable via clairvoyance and clairconsciousness. Every person has a basic arrangement of energy centres. Energy centres, also called chakras in Sanskrit, are the smaller areas in your energy field that have specific functions.
If all your energy centres work optimally and are in balance you will feel: fit, healthy and in optimal condition physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. However, simply by living life, certain centres can sometimes become unbalanced. This has a direct effect on the energy field. Purely because particular people emit more or less vibration to off balance your own chakras.
If this is of interest there are lots of resources out there to learn more, I particularly recommend Tony Robbins’ collaboration with Master Co., among others during his seminars. Master Co. is a disciple, a student of Master Choa Kok Sui. He has developed Pranic Healing (in which I am also certified), a healing technique that works directly on the energy field and the chakras. Healing results are usually noticeable almost immediately. Purely because excess energy (congestion) is removed and a shortage (depletion) of energy is replenished. From this philosophy you learn to work with colours and the energy field.
I do believe very much in learning to feel and read colours intuitively. Too much knowledge can get in the way, you can fill your head with too much stuff to feed your analytic mind. If you work as a medium you put that thinking, analytical part aside and step into your energetic experience. That takes a lot of practice and discipline but I can tell you, it is 1000% worth it!
Step 6: Psychometrics
As a medium it is very important that you first master this part perfectly. Psychometrics is the reading of energy, both from objects, photos and people and animals.
So when you start to use psychometry you read the aura, the energy field of the item or person in question. After all, everything is energy and therefore everything can be felt. You need to feel intuitively, in a tactile way: for example by holding a photo of a living or dead person you can describe that person. Things such as character, physical disorders, memories and personality, you can get everything from the life of that person purely from a photo.
If you have mastered this well, you can immediately pick up everything even if you sense something or someone. You don't always want this, of course, so shielding your energy field and grounding it again comes in handy. Otherwise, you will receive far too many impressions throughout the day. That is why a solid foundation is so essential. Developing yourself is wonderful, but you have to learn to steer your vehicle step by step. I will keep insisting on it! Everyone wants to learn to read photos, but there is much to master before you can apply it responsibly and safely.
Step 7: Mediumistic
Have you trained, practiced and mastered psychometrics and all of the previous steps?
Then you can continue, because if you can finally read the Soul energy of living persons and photos; then it is only a small shift and step to making contact with Soul energy of persons without a physical body. The energy remains and resides on a higher intelligence.
In addition, the intelligence of the Spiritual World is so gigantic that I am amazed again and again by the miracles they set in motion. Circumstances and situations that coincide in such a way that people are in the right place at the right time.
Maybe you also ended up here by accident … but is it really a coincidence or is there a greater intelligence at work that wants to make you aware of this? Interesting to consider. I don't believe in coincidence, but it's up to you to feel what's behind it. Your first feeling within 3 seconds is intuitively the right thing.
In any case, I am very grateful that you are listening to this, for sharing is part of my mission and Soul Path which may unfold. I am also very curious what it will and may bring you.
Step 8: Breaking through blocks
This is such a key step that I have added it to several of my programmes. Why? Well, it’s just highly effective and fast at inducing change. My digital courses: ‘Intuition Boost Method’ and the ‘Boost Your Self Confidence’ programme are based on this.
Everything is based on cleaning your system: letting go of old patterns and habits so that you are a clean palette, allowing you to colour your life as desired. Free from everything that blocked you until now! If you are that hollow tree with strong intuition, powerful clear feeling and empathetic qualities, then you can be a phenomenal medium. Having a clean slate is also important for shifting to the frequency where your dreams and wishes manifest.
Now that completes my step-by-step plan. You can work through this by yourself or I teach this programme in an online lesson system. Everything is energy, so you can also work perfectly mediumically through the computer, and it’s actually very special to experience.
There’s lots more information about step number 8 (breaking through blocks) in several of my other podcasts because this is a key element to a successful life. I can guide you both privately and professionally. On my website you will find the possibilities for the transformation process and consultations. Or email me at info@lisettelucas.nl for a route specially tailored to your energy in your personal situation.
I do fully believe in giving so with my podcast series full of free downloads you can get started right away! Goodluck!
I want to thank you very much. In the show notes on www.LisetteLucas.com/20 you will find the steps with additional information.
It is wonderful that our paths have crossed and thank you for following your heart and Soul - that is where the core lies!
Love xxx
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