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16th september 2020


Lisette Lucas


Podcast 33. Shift your Vibe! How To Instantly Change Your Frequency, Making Your Reality (And So Your Life) Shift + Free Download: Shift Your Vibe Frequency Schedule


Imagine: You want to achieve, do and create so much, but your feelings, emotions, thoughts and energy say something different. 


How is this possible? Low vibes equals small results. To achieve what you want you have to be able to recognise and change your low frequency. 


In this podcast I will teach you how to immediately shift your vibe to High-Vibes! So that you can apply it yourself in your life, which will automatically shift your reality to abundance.  


Welcome to Podcast 33!


It is so very nice to be able to connect through my podcast.Today I'm going to talk about perhaps the most important topic there is. Namely: Your Vibe! 

Now the word 'vibe' sounds fun and hip, but what I really mean by this is how you feel. How your emotions, your feelings and therefore your energy is during the day; because the longer you are in a certain vibe, the more it becomes your overall state of being. In other words, if you are used to being low in your energy and frequency, this will become your kind of low vibe home. The home you return to out of habit, because we humans live in patterns and habits. Meaning that if you are used to a certain pattern, you will usually stay with it until you decide to shift and change. You need this motivation (whatever it may be), to change your internal home so it is filled with a different vibe and frequency. 


I’ve designed a simple 3-step “Shift your Vibe” plan to help you find motivation. Really, it’s quite simple when you realise you can roughly divide how you feel into 3 main categories. 


At you can download and print the 'Shift your Vibe' Frequency schedule or use it as a screensaver or background on your device. It’s good to have a visual to go back to, in fact pictures have a big impact on the mind. As I always say: the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself have a direct effect on your physical body; this then determines how you feel and what emotions you have, which in turn determines how you behave and thus creates your reality. 


So when you see the picture showing different energetic frequencies, you can see things clearly. You can also know, see, feel and experience directly where you are in the schedule at any time of the day. It’s only when you understand and feel it, that you can change it- if you choose to, of course. And that is step 1: to make a choice. Or rather, you must have reached a point where you say, feel and know: ‘I don't want this anymore, never again’! Something has to change. That's the point where you can Shift!


For me it happened when I was around 35. I was at a point in my life when I was stuck in old stories. Emotionally stuck, I felt low in energy and was not satisfied with who I was and what I was doing. I knew that I was here for a reason, but what I did was instinctively not in line with what I was destined to do. It had no meaning to me. At least that's how it felt. So I got into a low vibe frequency. 

At the time I had set up a very successful children's clothing online shop from scratch, from behind the kitchen table, with 3 small children crawling around me. I bought beautiful children's designer clothing and sold it online for attractive prices. Apparently (especially at the time), it was a niche in the market because it turned into a kind of mini mail order company. All day long I was photographing the most beautiful children's clothes, putting them online, selling them and then posting them. And all this from behind my kitchen table, I had a huge turnover, a huge customer base, but still … I had a certain feeling: ‘I don't want to do this all my life’. It didn't give me the deep satisfaction I needed from within. And then I decided to sell my entire internet shop including stock + Goodwill. Super exciting but I just did it, I followed the feeling and took the plunge. From that moment on I started shifting! I made room for things that filled my heart, such as creativity through making jewellery with meaning and following a spiritual training and education. You can now see where that shift, that step, that choice, led to and on my website you can read and see my journey. 

But, what happened by taking this drastic step? I shifted my vibe from low to high for a powerful reason! And that was the key! 

I needed that leverage point, that tilting effect to shift, Tony Robbins calls that leverage. That point where your ‘why’ becomes bigger than your ‘how’. I felt deep down that something had to change. Why? I simply had to start living my life mission. But how? Well, I had no idea how I was going to do it, yet I took the step and I continue to do so to this day. 

So I want to ask you this: why would you want to change anything in your life right now? What is the reason? What is your why? What is your reason? 

For me it was a feeling deep inside that I couldn't even explain. But that became my 'why'. My mission, my desire to serve and contribute to the bigger picture. The rest was blurry … but it was a ‘why’ powerful enough to switch my lever, opening the door to change.


Tony Robbins says: reasons come first, answers come second. In other words: the reason, the ‘why’ comes first and then the answers come to explain ‘how’. So don't worry about how you're going to get it done beforehand. For if your ‘why’ (your reason) is strong enough, ‘the how’ (the answer) will follow automatically.


So remember: take it step by step towards your dreams, wishes and deep desires. But first you need to realise that you have to shift, at least if that feels right to you. When you feel that, you’ll get enough leverage and drive to start things in motion. And that's what the schedule is for. Then you get the frequencies and vibes visible and you start to understand where you stand, why and what you can do to change it. To shift! 


The 3 categories in my Shift your Vibe Frequency Schedule are:


3: Low vibes

2: Neutral vibes

1: High vibes


3: Low vibes: STUCK -> Move Backwards / Decline

You can recognise a low frequency by certain emotions, feelings and thoughts

The lowest frequencies are: shame, guilt, apathy, sadness, fear and anger.

If you experience this in your life then you know that you have low frequency energy flowing through you. This ensures that you do not move forward, in fact, if you are in these vibes for too long you can decline. If you stay resident in the house of low vibes for too long then you can go backwards as you pull more of that energetic vibe into your life. This can have a negative effect on your physical, mental and spiritual body. 

Yes sure, life is life, so we all go through situations and circumstances that pull our vibe down. And that is normal, it’s part of the game, the most important thing is: 

1: Recognise the low vibe

2: Shift the low vibe

The faster the better. I can train you in this but you can also discover it yourself. Some things you already do intuitively to feel better: some people love to go outside, to the forest or the beach. Others listen to music or exercise, and yet others express themselves creatively through writing, drawing or painting to step out of that low vibe. Just think about what you do automatically, or actually intuitively if you feel low. If you feel the need to get out of it. 

The key here is: shift back to your high vibe as quickly as possible. The more you are aware of it and the more you practice it, the easier it will be.


2: Neutral vibes: NO CHANGE -> No Movement

Vicious Cycles / Old Patterns

This is the frequency that most people are in. They live life and float along. There are not a lot of lows but equally not a lot of highs. They live in a neutral vibe and feel (perhaps unsurprisingly): ordinary, not very special, simmering in what they have been doing and feeling and sometimes no longer feeling much at all. Everything happens by itself, life is boring and the meaning of life ... well… 

Well, that feeling. You literally live in neutrality, there is a degree of pride and courage, but it does not really set anything exciting in motion. Belief in change and progress is also almost non-existent. The mindset is: ‘that’s not for me, just act normal then you are already crazy enough’, or ‘I am not good enough and I am not worth it, who am I at all to think that I have or can do something special? That is for others, not for me. I stay in my 9-5 job, just like everyone else’. Sometimes you feel a spark of willingness to change something, but then you quickly slip back into old programming, stories and thoughts.

Old patterns keep repeating and you live in vicious cycles, the same over and over again, year in, year out. While I am talking about this I already feel my own frequency going down … this feels boring … I could never live in this again! I chose 1000% to get out of there and I can tell you: it feels phenomenal- which immediately brings me to the highest frequency!


1: High Vibes: MANIFEST -> Move Forward

Create -> Take Action -> Manifest

If you live life and can easily shift back to High Vibes time and time again, then you are the Master of your own life. 

High Vibes are: Acceptance, Love, Happiness, Joy, Gratitude, Peace and in the highest form: Enlightenment. 

In my view, a High Vibe starts with the acceptance of your old stories. You are no longer that same person, but those old stories and experiences have made you the beautiful, powerful person you are now. You survived and that indicates you are here for a reason! That reason is to serve from your core, from your essence in a way that suits you completely authentically. 

And that gives the ultimate satisfaction, the ultimate fulfillment, which in turn creates and manifests an abundance of happiness, joy, gratitude and peace within yourself. Then you can be your authentic self and attract even more of what you radiate with your vibe-

because like attracts like! And what you focus on grows! So from now on you will focus on your vibe.


Feel and experience your thoughts and the pictures you create in your head. Let it be pictures and thoughts of what you are grateful for, what you wish to receive in your life, memories of beautiful moments of joy and happiness. And step into that high vibe frequency. Surround yourself with people, items, pictures, smells and sounds that instantly shift your vibe. Let go of what is pulling down your vibe, let go of what no longer serves you. Follow your feelings on this- only you know deep down what's really good for you. 


Embrace yourself and know that you are so, so worthy to live in the High Vibe. The place where you receive infinite inspiration, the place where you create, take action and then manifest. High-vibes are the High-way to Success! It is a process of shifting, day in, day out, until you are the proud owner of your High-Vibe home, your emotional home where love, gratitude, joy and happiness come out through every window. Flowing. 

You have that high-vibe house and you can live and radiate those high vibes. People feel that, see that and you become, as it were, magnetic! So powerful that you will attract people who want the same, who are curious what your secret is. Just like you are attracted to me now! Because that's how it works. And I can tell you from experience: this gives you the ultimate satisfaction, and adds so much more colour to your life! 


It’s great that you are shifting with me through this podcast! And now it's up to you; take immediate action. Go to my website: and directly download the special Shift your Vibe Frequency Scheme. Place it somewhere you see it every day so that you can shift immediately. When confronted with low vibes, make it your new, powerful habit to shift instantly in a way that suits you. Doing this day in, day out, for 21 days, makes it a new pattern and habit. After 3 weeks it is automatic and you notice that situations and circumstances start to shift. How did that happen? Well you shifted to the High Vibe! I wish you the best of luck! If you have any questions, need help or support, email me at and then we can see together what the best option is for you.


Many thanks for listening to my 33rd podcast! Get right into your High-Vibe frequency by taking action now: Download the free Frequency Schedule and Shift! 

All rights reserved EnergyJoy 2020

33. Shift Your Vibe!

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