5th january 2022
Lisette Lucas
Podcast 101. Your Own Podcast, How To Launch Your Own Podcast In Full Alignment In 7 Steps To Discover The Proven System.
Perhaps you are ready to shift your business or expertise to the next level, but you don't know how?
In this podcast I share how you can establish yourself as an expert in your niche (for good), with a Soul Aligned Podcast.
So that you can easily introduce the world to what you have to offer from your pure self.
Meaning your real self can sparkle, and support, help and guide others through this powerful and popular medium.
(The shownotes for this episode can be found at: www.LisetteLucas.com/101)
Extra Tip: Download my Lisette Lucas app for free to find all of my free tools, meditations and downloads in one place.
Welcome to Podcast #101!
This episode about your own podcast has been resonating through my system for several days. Partly because I get a lot of questions from customers and students, but also from colleagues and strangers, who ask how I make my podcasts. And if I want to teach them.
So I feel it's high time to give this the loving attention it deserves.
Because it turns out that after 100 podcasts I have become an expert naturally through experience. Through trial and error I know what works and what doesn’t, and also I’ve developed my own podcast system which I will share in a moment.
So are you an entrepreneur or an individual with a passion that you would like to share?
Do you have a message with which you want to enrich the world based on your expertise?
Do you want to give your business or upcoming business a flying start?
Or do you just like to hear of the behind the scenes of podcast creation?
Then this is the podcast for you!
First the question: Why a podcast?
Very simple: because there are really only 3 ways to get your message across.
1. Via the written word - for example a blog, email or post on social media. Your message is out there to be read and so it mainly exists for those who like to read.
2. Via Spoken Word - which is where the podcast comes in. You can actually compare it to your own radio station or an audio blog. Your message is there to be listened to and therefore is aimed at aural learners.
3. Via image - for example videos such as Instagram stories, reels and Youtube videos. Your message is learnt through being looked at and so is of interest for those who are visual learners.
The medium you choose is of course very personal. When I started podcasting, I sensed that podcasts were booming and growing in the Netherlands and Belgium. They’ve been popular in America for a long time now. But for me, here in the Netherlands, the timing felt right. And yes, that has indeed turned out to be the case. The podcast in this form has been around since 2004, but it took a long time before it got a foothold with us. Podcasts used to be called: audio blogs, ever since 1980. (I thought that a nice fun fact to share.)
But only in recent years has it really become super popular, mainly because of its ease of use. You can simply listen and multi-task at the same time. And everyone is busy these days, so podcasts are just very easy. Listening to podcasts gives you a lot but really listening to them is NET time, as Tony Robbins puts it (No Extra Time). And that is of course ideal! Doing the laundry, putting on make up, driving, exercising, making food - all great moments to enrich yourself with knowledge. I always listened that way myself and that's why the podcast was the most logical choice for me.
When I started, as an introverted HSP, I found the process of podcasting really intriguing. For even though you are just alone talking to your computer in your room or maybe even wardrobe … the thought that anyone can listen to your words and think about them is quite exciting.
This is where mindset training comes into play - for it has helped me enormously and empowered me. And I now teach that to my students because this is where the basics really lie and is the basis of learning to stand in your power. To be liberated from limiting beliefs and to learn to attune to the infinite source of creation, so that you can create and share completely in alignment.
In my view, that is the most powerful form of transference. Transferring a form of inspiration where an extra dimension is added and mixed with your own unique contribution.
Then you get your unique Soul Aligned recipe and you are one of a kind. Then you do your thing, at your own height and from that perspective, you wish everyone the best and the most beautiful things. That is a wonderful vibe and flow to live and create in. Really and truly! It's not called the EnergyJoy Vibe for nothing!
Creating and manifesting with your Soul Aligned, is the best way to share your unique talents and strengths with the world. Then you simply follow proven steps and systems that work and supplement it with your wealth of information and inspiration.
And so I now want to share with you my own proven 7 Steps: Soul Aligned Podcast System.
If you follow those steps as a guideline, there are no limits to your success! Then you will be limitlessly successful.
I teach this system in depth to my members of my High End Elite Shift Mastermind.
This is a 6 month programme in which I help empathetic, ambitious entrepreneurs who go all-in to shift their business to the Next Level and double their turnover.
So do you also want to shift your business to the next level? Then this is a good place to start to see what your real goals are.
The Elite Shift Mastermind is for entrepreneurs who now convert 4 figures per month and who want a minimum of 5 figures per month. Plus multiple 5 digits.
And what happens when you manifest that?
Then you can move on to the next level: The Platinum Alignment Mastermind.
This is exclusively for entrepreneurs who manifest 6 digit months and want to shift to the multiple 6 digits and 7 digits in their business. So think about where you are now and where you want to go. And remember: You have infinite potential!
By the way, just in addition for those with limiting beliefs in the financial field: The compensation you receive is a wonderful energy exchange. You provide priceless value to someone's life. It can therefore shift and evolve itself. So we help each other and that's wonderful!
The podcast is a powerful tool that can make all of this possible for you. And yes, I speak from experience.
Here are my 7 Steps from my Soul Aligned Podcast System©. It's easy to remember because I use the word podcast as an acronym.
Step 1: P - Passion, Purpose, People. Here lies the foundation. Everything starts from a passion and your need to live your purpose, your mission and your life purpose. Then serve others from there. This P basis is essential. Do what really makes your heart and soul glow and sparkle with joy. Otherwise it is a waste of your time and energy and certainly the time of your listeners. If you create a podcast from Passion and Purpose, people will embrace you, take your message to heart and take action. Then you reach your goal! That should always be the core: contributing to the greater whole from your pure, natural, authentic self.
Step 2: O - Orientation, Opportunity, Offer: From the orientation phase you step into the possibility of giving your audience enormous, enriching value. In this, it is essential to know who you are speaking to, what their challenge is and then what you have to offer to solve this for this listener.
Step 3: D - Discipline, Drive, Develop: Making a podcast seems easy, but there is so much more to it. And that's what the D stands for. Because in addition to discipline and drive, it also requires that you continue to develop yourself. So that your podcast and your audience grows with you - a wonderful journey that you embark on together.
Step 4: C - Consistency, Curiosity, Courage: The C for consistency is arguably the most crucial key to success. This is how you distinguish yourself from the rest. And in this it is especially important that you work on yourself. Breaking through continuous blocks and obstacles. Otherwise you will get stuck and you will sabotage yourself without realising it - procrastinating, making excuses and getting stuck. Then that podcast won't happen anymore.
Also take this with you: mentoring is very important to stay on the right path. I am also continuously mentored. I'm in the absolute top level, high end masterminds. I work with American multi-millionaires. So take this with you! Don't do this alone. It's not easy doing it alone, it's not even fun doing it alone. Experience this together.
Continue to follow the natural, childish soul curiosity. That keeps your focus and energy sharp. That ensures that you remain 'on'. In addition, it is super brave what you do, don't forget that. You’re stepping into your leadership role and taking someone else by the hand - the most beautiful thing you can and should give someone. Never forget that, for it takes courage! But the fact that you're listening to this is already a huge step in the right direction. So feel what it does to you. Whether it is already bubbling, or whether ideas are already emerging. Yes? Very nice! Because that is that alignment that you end up in while taking this in.
Step 5: A - Alignment, Authenticity, Action: And what is alignment? It is attunement with that which is greater than you but which also simply resides within you. If you know how to tap in, tune in … Then your success will be limitless! Then you stand head and shoulders above the rest by being pure and just your natural self. Alignment combined with consistent action is: Your Soul on Fire! And that fire is magnetic to anyone who comes into contact with it. Simply because It enlightens you and if you are enlightened then you enlighten and enrich and touch others too.
Step 6: S - System, Serve, Solve: I myself was trained by the greatest of the earth. Why? Because I believe in their wisdom but also their proven systems. Their advice: Model! In other words - use the system and model of someone who has proven that it works. Someone you resonate with. Make that model and system your own and give it your own authentic interpretation based on alignment. So never copy (think of Karma), but go model! That way you can serve thousands of people from your own wisdom and help solve their problems. For at the core that's it: The listener has a problem or challenge and you offer the solution with your product or service! And the listener feels for themselves whether or not they should be with you. That is a natural selection.
Step 7: T - Transparency, Truth, Trust: And lastly the most important stage for the success or failure of your podcast. The final tip: Be transparent and share your truth. Encourage the listener to find their truth in your truth. Nobody has a monopoly on the truth. At most you can find your own truth. So encourage and motivate them to do just that. So that they can grow through and with your podcast. A key part of a podcast is to be vulnerable and show that you are just as human as your audience. Don't underestimate your listeners - they'll see through it if you're not authentic and don't speak your truth. Have you shared something from someone else? Mention the source in your podcast or your show notes. Sooner or later you will fail otherwise. Be honest and sincere. You create just as much a trusting connection with your loyal listener as you do with a very good friend. Be as honest and sincere as you would be with them. Tell your listener the truth, as far as you are comfortable with it. Then they will also trust you, feel safe and give you everything.
Well, those were the 7 steps in a nutshell!
In this podcast I have given you the guideline of my Soul Aligned Podcast System. Of course you will learn the deeper meaning and execution behind the steps in my Elite Mastermind. So that you can make it your own. I will post a link in my show notes and these 7 steps at: www.LisetteLucas.com/101 and you can also download my Lisette Lucas App for iOS and Android for free. Then you have everything together: podcasts and free tools!
I hope you can get some good insights from it. And I wish you the best of luck with your own podcast!
Not sure whether a podcast or another form of visibility is for you?
But you do want to grow as a business owner or expert?
Please contact me for a connection conversation. I will send you some questions to check if we are a good fit and then we can see together what the right path is for you.
Thanks a lot for listening. I am very excited about this system! I know it works. Maybe it's not for you, but you do feel the potential for someone you know. If so, please share this podcast! Your or their expertise is essential to the world! I'm sure!
And back to Podcast #100. The winners of Podcast #100 are now known! If you have won, you will receive a personal message from me.
Thank you all so much for participating! The 2 pairs of AirPods Pro and the Master Your Intuition Academy and Master Your Inner-Medium Academy prizes go to the winners! Congratulations! I have enjoyed all the comments on my Instagram and by email. Your enthusiasm has been great! Truly overwhelming! And what I also thought was really cool, was to hear all those podcast episodes you mentioned. For that was proof to me of: Wow! Every part, every podcast reaches each person in a different way, touches certain parts, helps and heals. So, so important. Launch your podcast and share with the world what you have to offer.
Again, thank you so much for listening!
See you in the next giveaway and the next podcast!
Love and hug from me!
EnergyJoy by Lisette Lucas | All rights reserved 2022©