You're in the right place
at the right time

For the empathetic, sensitive and ambitious entrepreneur, the High-End Business Model is a perfect fit - giving you more time, energy, turnover and ultimate satisfaction.
There is no other business model that matches it: the ELITE Shift Mastermind is unique in the Netherlands & Belgium, as a High-End coaching trajectory. This is not just for Europe – there is no combination of expertise and support in this way anywhere else.
To shift from stagnating € 5000 monthly turnovers (on average), to at least € 10,000 - € 35,000 turnover months, without losing energy from unnecessary work or business demands.
To be able to experience freedom in their lives, alongside an improved business and turnover, with time and energy used as efficiently as possible.
To create from their Soulful Self, their ultimate core, through establishing their own unique High-End Soul Aligned programme. In order to live and undertake from their Stardust potential with their powerfully activated Inner-Genius.
To take their previous, proven expertise of transformation results for clients to a high-end level, without being energetically drained, by introducing clear boundaries and working to a schedule that suits you.
To increase their rates and to start distinguishing from the ‘energy-guzzling average middle class. Instead you choose quality to the highest level over the energetically flat standard average.
To answer that call from within, which deep down tells you that you are made of greatness for greatness, that it’s your time to shine, to take others magnetically into that greatness.
To listen to that energetic pull towards Lisette’s business trajectory. That inexplicable feeling that feels like a knowing, that this healthy tension (like excitement), is saying on an intuitive level that it’s a big fat: ‘Heck YES!! This is for me!’
Some Elite members who came before you...

Samira Broer, High-Frequency Hypnotherapist
'... working with Lisette has been one of my best decisions so far....'

Shalindrea Orie, Mindset & Business Coach
'.... I am really very grateful that as a student I can learn from you and you inspire me every day....'

Reita Biere, Transformation Therapist
'... Thank you. All thanks to your help, support and motivation, I feel invincible with a whole world to conquer....'

Lisette Lucas
Founder EnergyJoy®
'Simply Step out of Your Shadow into Your Brightest Light!' - Lisette Lucas
About Me
My name is Lisette Lucas and I am founder of EnergyJoy® & mother of 3 beautiful kids.
I grew up in a rich entrepreneurial family.
Seeing both sides of the coin, and experiencing ultimate highs as well as painfully deep lows, has shaped me into the entrepreneur at heart that I am today: with an empathic core of both entrepreneurship and energy mastery that drive my passion and ambition.
My love for both, led me down the path to being a High-Frequency Business Coach & Mentor, one who positions herself at a High-End level. For this combination is a power combination, from which a powerful, infinite, intuitive flow of creation and acceleration to the ‘top of your niche’ arises.
About You
Now you’ll understand: my heart turns ON from working with ambitious, empathetic entrepreneurs, who also want to go for the ultimate - simply but powerfully. Meaning they aim for impact and abundance, while also seeking time, freedom and EnergyJoy to enjoy life as well.
Those entrepreneurs who want to get out everything that is possible at the High-End Level.
But … sometimes, for entrepreneurs like this, the high level potential is there, it just hasn’t come out (yet).
It bubbles under some blocking, limiting layers, stuck under a (usually unconscious self-sabotage) ceiling …
And that is such a shame!
From my expertise as a Success Medium, Intuitive Transformation Hypnotherapist, High-Frequency Business Coach & High-End Business Mentor, I energetically look through these limiting layers.
I help you break through them and (re) activate your Inner CEO, from your own expertise and passion.
So that you too can put down in the world what you are destined to!
Entirely from authenticity & your pure SoulPower!
The ELITE Track is only for those who want to go All-In!
Those who know: Investing in yourself is not only the best investment you can make ...
√ ... it saves time, so it is a huge and powerful accelerator for yourself & your business!
√ … it is the key to unlimited success and a strong commitment to yourself.
√ … positioning yourself at the High-End is the key to entrepreneurship which gives you freedom and a schedule that works best for you …
√ … working at the High-End is also the way to generate the most turnover with the least time investment.
√ … it can teach you the 'Winner Mindset & High-Level expertises'.
√ … from my High-Frequency Coaching & High-End Mentoring skills, I can help you to shift and break ceilings for good!
√ Can you check the boxes needed for the ELITE Shift Mastermind?
Are you ready to accelerate yourself and your business to High-Level within weeks?
Then I'd love to talk to you in an online Zoom call!
COMPLETE THE SHORT QUESTION FORM AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE and then we can arrange our 45 mins Soul Connection Call.
And with an energetic fit & match I hope to be able to say afterwards:
Welcome aboard!
"Do not expect a mega push & drill project.
But precisely a programme in which you activate and accelerate yourSelf through inner activation, upgrades, tools & strategy.
You are touched and healed in the deepest parts of your being.
So that you can shift high level to who you can be for yourself and the world."
Master Your Inner-Ceo
ELITE Shift Mastermind®
ELITE Mastermind Member
Shift Your Business>
From 4 To 5 Figures Per Month
to Multiple 5 Figure Months
Phase 1: Welcome aboard! The 1st step to ultimate success is ACTION and you've given the signal that you're going All-In. That's the Spirit!
Now you can go for the Elite High-Level Mindset and the returns that come with it!
Phase 2: We shift together to make your course of action laser sharp.
Including integrating powerful strategies and tools from my unique and proven: Master Your Inner-CEO system©, to keep you focused.
Everything will start coming from who you are, as your authentic power emerges (even stronger)! So that your Soul-Power can shift your business, your life and that of everyone you may touch energetically.
Goals achieved or you already have a 6/7 grade business - what then?
On to the Level 2 Mastermind:
Platinum Alignment Mastermind
for 6 Figures, Multiple 6 Figures to 7 Figures and beyond!
Phase 3: The goals you set have been achieved.
Time to celebrate: Victory! Victory!
And … onwards again, scaling up with the laser focus on growth and expansion!
Everything from your authentic power!
You are a winner!
You are a leader!
The world needs you!
'As a human being, you get the ultimate satisfaction from contributing to the life of another.
Helping another, guiding another, supporting and empowering another - that's what it's all about!
That creates the ultimate frequency of EnergyJoy and Beyond!
The financial resources are a powerful energetic tool to accomplish all this.
With Ultimate Satisfaction, Happiness & Joy for everyone as the driving force!'
- Lisette Lucas

Note: The Elite Shift Mastermind is not suitable for every established entrepreneur.
It's really only for the established, ambitious entrepreneur who has the drive, the All-In & ‘Play Full Out’ mindset.
Also, you must, despite your mountain of expertise, be coachable.
Plus it has to be really felt that:
'Investing in yourself is an essential key to success and the best investment you can make!'
Please fill in the short enquiry form below before our call, once you've completed it we can schedule our 45 minute Soul Connection conversation. Then we can see:
If you're the right fit for the Elite Shift or the Platinum Alignment Mastermind.
And we will clarify whether we are the best match at this moment in your life and business.
You can complete the question form below or via this Typeform link
After receiving your form, I will contact you by email to make our online Zoom Soul Connection Call appointment.
(If you have not received a response after 72 hours, please send a message via message or email - sometimes the Typeform notification doesn’t arrive on time.)
I look forward to meeting you (or seeing you again) and continuing to talk about your business, goals and ambitions.
Lisette x

When is the Bali Retreat 2022?The Bali Retreat 2022 is mid-July 2022.
Welke excursies, uitjes en verrassingen kan ik verwachten?Bali is een droom qua cultuur, luxe, eten, tempels, ceremonies, high end locaties en zoveel meer. Wat kan je verwachten? We gaan tempel(s) bezoeken, we gaan een waterval bezoeken. een speciale ceremonie meemaken, een hippe 'place to be' bezoeken aan het Indische Oceaan, genieten van de meeste heerlijke Indische delicatessen, je gaat op een super-de-luxe high-end droomlocatie je laatste dag doorbrengen, de rest blijft verrassing.... ;-)
Can I pay in installments?Yes! You can pay in installments. The only condition is that the entire behavior must be paid in full before the start of the Bali Abundance Retreat 2021. So if you book 8 months in advance, the monthly amount will be slightly higher than if you paid in 12 months/instalment.
Hoe weet ik dat het veilig is om te boeken ivm Covid-19?De mondiale situatie is momenteel gestabiliseerd. We hebben er alle vertrouwen in dat we veilig kunnen reizen in augustus 2022. (volgens de geldende regels) Mocht door omstandigheden de retreat niet door kunnen gaan dan ontvang je uiteraard je geld retour. Sluit een goede reisverzekering af!
What is the best way to fly to Bali?There are several ways to fly & travel to Bali. I myself have good experience with and my preference is: flying with KLM from Schiphol via Singapore. (short stopover of about 1.5 hours, just in and out of the plane.) And then straight on to Denpasar, Bali's airport. This is a fast and comfortable connection. But you can also fly via Dubai, for example. And spend the night there if necessary. Whatever suits you best.
Not sure if it's for me?Not sure if this is the retreat for you? Then make a no-obligation, online or practical appointment with me, Lisette, and we will discuss the possibilities.
How can I apply?How wonderful that you are coming along! Do check to make sure there is still room. We travel with a small group due to the exclusivity of the retreat. Register via the button on this page. Or send an email to: info@lisettelucas I will contact you as soon as possible.
How can I reserve my place?You can make a final reservation by registering via I will then contact you. If you can and are allowed, you will receive the registration form. I would like to receive this completed return. A deposit of 10% of the travel sum is required to secure your place. Please note: This deposit is non-refundable if you cancel it afterwards. If the trip is canceled due to circumstances (e.g. Covid-19), you will receive the entire amount back. If you are unable to participate afterwards, if you nominate someone else for your place, you can transfer your deposit to the other person.
Wat is WEL inbegrepen in de Bali Retreat 2022De retreat is inclusief: - 8 dagen & 7 nachten in de luxe villa met zwembad, je prive kamer inclusief badkamer - Gedurende je verblijf in villa: heerlijk vers ontbijt, lunch & diner - Inclusief koffie, thee, water, frisdranken & healthy juices - Inclusief vervoer van- en naar Denpasar Airport - Inclusief Bali - Exclusive Excursies - Inclusief 'Bali Paradigm Shift Transformatie Workbook' - Inclusief Sessies met Lisette Lucas - Inclusief Intuitieve Energy Healing Sessie met energy blocks inzichten - Inclusief T.A.T. sessie downloads voor thuisgebruik
Moet ik gevaccineerd zijn voor Bali?Ja, het is verplicht om 2 x een Covid-19 vaccinatie te hebben gehad. (Check de huidige regels die momenteel gelden)
Wat is NIET inbegrepen in de Bali Retreat?- Je vluchten / vliegticket(s) - Verblijf en maaltijden voor- en na het retreat op Bali. - Alcoholische versnaperingen en dranken zijn niet inbegrepen. (en wordt tijdens het retreat afgeraden.) - Extra (privé) aankopen tijdens bijv. excursies. - Het is raadzaam, ivm het tijdsverschil, een paar dagen eerder op Bali te arriveren. Deze kosten zijn echter niet inbegrepen. (Indien dit niet mogelijk is, geen probleem, het is een tip)
Is het resultaat van de Retreat gegarandeerd?Tijdens de retreat onderga je een prachtige, krachtige transformatie. De tools, strategieen en technieken die ik gebruik heb ik geleerd van de grootste der aarde. Omdat alleen het beste goed genoeg is, weet je dat je het neus je van de zalm krijgt. Ikzelf settle ook niet voor minder! (Daarom gaan we ook naar Bali!) Je zal shiften, je zal verandering merken. Bij de ene persoon zal het direct zijn, bij de ander geleidelijk door de weken heen en weer een andere zal na een jaar terugkijken op de ervaring en opmerken hoeveel hij of zij veranderd is in de meest positieve zin. Iedereen is uniek en verschillend. Daarom zal impact en transformatie ook individueel anders verlopen. Maar je gaat absoluut transformatie ervaren in je energie en mindset met betrekking tot overvloed. Voor het beste resultaat is het essentieel om ook na Bali de oefeningen te blijven doen en de transformatie sessies te blijven luisteren. Daarbij is het aan jou persoonlijk wat je met de verworven informatie, inzichten en tools doet. Blijf je actie ondernemen dan zal je groei en abundance expansief zijn!
What about the deposit?If you have registered and can and are allowed to go to Bali, a down payment of: 10% of the travel sum is necessary to definitively secure your place. Please note: This deposit is non-refundable if you cancel it afterwards. If the trip cannot take place due to circumstances, you will receive the entire amount paid (down) back. If you are unable to participate afterwards, if you nominate someone else for your place, you can transfer your deposit to the other person. See also the post: Booking & Unexpected Cancellation
Can I receive an invoice?Yes, you can receive a business invoice. so that you can use it as a study trip. But if you have supplementary insurance, you can also receive partial reimbursement from the supplementary insurance.
Boeken en/of (onverhoopt) AnnulerenDeze voorwaarden zijn gemaakt aan de hand van het beleid van onze locatie in Bali tov de reserveringen. We kunnen hier ook niet vanaf wijken en geen uitzonderingen maken. Zodra je je opgegeven hebt is een aanbetaling van 10% van de Retreat investering noodzakelijk om je plaats definitief te reserveren. In verband met het beperkte aantal plaatsen is het belangrijk dat je hiervan op de hoogte bent. Deze aanbetaling wordt bij (onverhoopte) annulering niet terugbetaald. Annulering voor 31 mei 2022: Mocht je onverhoopt moeten annuleren dan kan dit tot uiterlijk 31 mei 2022. Je ontvangt dan je (deel)betaling(en) minus de 10% aanbetaling retour. Annulering na 20 mei 2022: Mocht je onverhoopt moeten annuleren na 31 mei 2022 dan is geen restitutie mogelijk. Dit ivm de reservingsverplichting en betalingen locatie, verblijf in Bali. Wel is het mogelijk dat je zelf iemand anders aandraagt voor jouw plek. Zodat de kosten voor iedereen beperkt blijven. Uiteraard in goed overleg. Advies: Sluit een goede reisverzekering af.
Is there good medical care in Bali?I myself went to Bali in 2018 and there is good medical care. I have connections in Bali and we can always go to a hospital that meets European standards of care. This hospital, as I was told by our driver, was built especially for tourists. So yes, you are in good, safe hands. Of course it is essential to take out good travel insurance, please note that it applies to coverage: worldwide!
Heb ik vaccinaties nodig?Ja, voor Bali wordt aanbevolen: DTP & Hepatitis A. En ook momenteel 2x de Codid-19 vaccinatie. (anders kom je het land niet binnen!) Ik verwijs je door naar de GGD reisivaccinaties voor meer informatie. Daarbij verwijs ik je door naar de Rijksoverheid site ivm de verplichtte Covid vaccinaties en eisen voor Indonesië. En eventueel voor het land waar een tussenlanding plaatsvindt. Wel een goede tip: Bekijk je aanvullende zorgverzekering, sommige verzekeraars vergoeden vaccinaties. (voor het eind van het jaar kan je nog wisselen van verzekering of een aanvullende verzekering toevoegen)
What travel items do you recommend for Bali?A number of articles are recommended for Bali. This because of the different climate & hygiene conditions than the Netherlands. You will also find this advice on the link of the GGD Resivaccinaties: < /p> 1. Insect repellent: insect repellents with DEET. 2. Stopping agent for diarrhea: Such as Diacure with loperamide. 3. Remedy against motion sickness: Do you quickly suffer from nausea, for example in the car? Then I recommend this. We are going to do a few excursions to places of interest by car. 4. thermometer. 5. Azuron or remedy for itching. For example after mosquito bite. 6. Hand disinfection 7. Dettol wipes 8. Sunscreen with a high protection factor. 9. Face masks