6th october 2021
Lisette Lucas
Podcast 88. Healing & Inspirational Words: The Deep Power Of A Seemingly Small Gesture.
Sometimes you have a hard time and then what?
Then you can always ask the universe for help.
So that's what I did this morning. I asked for help and received … inspiration.
This inspiration is where the idea for this podcast arose. A download moment filled with gratitude.
Experience through my eyes how the 'give and receive dynamic' has a healing effect on everyone.
(Shownotes can be found at: www.lisettelucas.com/88)
Welcome to Podcast #88. It’s great to have you here!
Because I am currently going through a challenging period due to illness in my family, I asked my spiritual guide for an idea for my podcast.
Then while I was just walking around the house, an image suddenly came to me of all testimonials from clients & students standing behind each other like a podcast.
Suddenly I became very happy! Wow, what a wonderful idea I had received.
The most ultimate satisfaction that you can and may experience as a human being is contributing to the happiness and well-being of another. Helping, supporting, guiding and helping another. Something I've been able to do in my own way for years.
The most beautiful, most precious and grateful confirmation you can get is a small or large response in return. Pure and from the heart.
I always do an EnergyJoy joy dance when another gift like this arrives.
So nice, so dear. But also so healing for me when I need it myself.
Apparently my own Spirit Team thought about it too and that's why I got this idea as a download from them. How special!
I share this with love. Of course I make all testimonials and comments anonymous, for the privacy of students and clients.
But I hope that you can also get healing and inspiration from them.
Because how beautiful it is that together we help and support each other. Just when it is most necessary.
I am there with all the love for you and the love and gratitude that resonates back, helps and supports and guides me again.
Truly beautiful!
I’ll now share a number of reactions, emails, texts, messages and testimonials that I have received. There are too many to put them all in one podcast. So here's a small selection.
You may hear and see your own reaction. Then I want to thank you again in this way for your words. Sometimes it seems like a small gesture but you should know …
I also want to encourage you to do what is really close to your heart. Because other people feel that and embrace that. And it is the key to Ultimate Fulfilment in life. It has nothing to do with money or prestige. It has to do with making a difference in someone else's life. In your own, pure, natural and authentic way.
Okay, are you ready? You can see all the messages on the YouTube video.
Here we go!
(see the video for the slides)
In the show notes at www.lisettelucas.com/88 you can download the pdf with extra quotes for you. The quotes you see in the video version of this podcast.
Inspiration for you & by you.
So thank you for listening.
Extra useful tip: Download my free Lisette Lucas App in the Apple App Store & the Google Play Store.To find all the podcasts, free meditations, tools and downloads together.
I want to thank you again for listening.
Big hug from me and maybe see you soon
Love Lisette xxx
EnergyJoy by Lisette Lucas | All rights reserved 2021©