14th april 2021
Lisette Lucas
Podcast 63. Master Your Intuition Academy: Step Into The World Of Intuition And Energy Mastery So You Can Shine And Really Live Like Never Before!
Perhaps you want (or need) to change something in your life, but don't know how?
In this podcast I'm going to shed light (from my own experience) on a change you probably didn't consider beforehand.
So that you understand what you can and/or must do to set change in motion.
To become the best version of yourself and be a beacon for yourself and for many.
The show notes of this episode can be found at www.lisettelucas.com/63
Welcome to Podcast #63!
Great to hear you're listening to another episode!
Right now I'm still reminiscing. This morning and yesterday I gave 2 live masterclasses and the number of registrations is really mind blowing!
Already more than 700 registrations and the number just keeps on going up. Great! Next week is the last masterclass of this series so if you still want to participate, you can do that via www.lisettelucas.nl/webinar
If you are too late to register or if you are unable to attend this time, you can already register for the waiting list for the next masterclasses. Having seen so much enthusiasm, a real need and genuine curiosity about the EnergyJoy message, I feel so intensely grateful, moved and motivated to keep sharing!
The free masterclass is called: 3 Powerful Steps To Intuition And Energy Mastery.
I take you through my personal journey to develop my natural powers. With examples, stories and exercises I let you experience what is possible. And you also feel and experience that everything you need to activate this is already present in you.
During the masterclass, viewers can respond live in the chat box and share their experiences. For me that's fantastic, because I can't see you but everyone who was there can now confirm that the energy was enormous.
Many emotions were released during the exercises. Healing is allowed to take place because pieces can be touched that have been deeply hidden for a long time. I get many beautiful and moving thank you emails with stories from people who are so grateful. Especially because this is the confirmation for them that what they always felt was right. Despite what the outside world said.
Or that emotions and energy are simply set in motion during the masterclass, which has a huge empowering effect. I also say, whatever the reason you're here - whether you're just curious, in need of development or just feel that something needs to change … Whatever the reason is: I will support, help and guide you completely.
Many people get what they’re looking for from the masterclass, as well as helpful tools which they take forward for the rest of their lives.
But there are also those who feel that they want more, want to go further. That the masterclass was a nice introduction to me personally, my energy and my way of working and that it definitely leaves them wanting more!
Whether you do it for yourself, or because you already have your own practice or already work in the service sector.
It's about a certain feeling that you sometimes can't put your finger on, but it's kind of an internal yes, that bubbly 'yes' feeling! I also call that the intuitive yes. A knowing deep inside: 'This is for me. I have to do more with this, this is going to help me.'
I know this feeling like no other because I listened to it too, many years ago! That deep longing for something unknown but which nevertheless pushed me in a direction.
I always ask: Do you think it's a coincidence that you ended up here with me? Usually clients and students can't even remember how they came to me. I was just suddenly there.
And that's fantastic! For I believe that when the time is right, the universe will bring situations and circumstances in your path that will allow you to move on and move up. All for the highest good of your soul. For your growth and development here on earth.
Sometimes these things show up so that old pieces may be transformed. A beautiful young lady e-mailed that she wanted so much to explore further but was also so doubtful. I call it the Start – Stop dynamic. Your intuition and inner knowing says: ‘Yes, Start, Go’! And then your thinking mind comes roaring up saying: ‘No, beware, what if, can you, is that for you, what will others think’? So there Bam, you pull the handbrake, and then you STOP. A pause caused by nothing more, nothing less, than old patterns and beliefs that sabotage you, keep you small and seemingly safe. Because standing still is safer than moving forward, right?
At least that's what your ancient survival-based brain thinks.
Podcast #8 (Pattern Breaking) and Podcast #9 are super powerful at breaking this mindset. And podcast #59 (Self-sabotage) also provides many insights.
I will put them in the show notes at www.lisettelucas.nl/63 .
But if you're about to listen to that Yes, that Start and Go feeling then I have a wonderful training programme for you.
Over the years I have had the pleasure of guiding many groups and the results are fantastic and life changing.
And that programme, which is truly the foundation for working with energy and intuition, is the perfect online course to start shifting your life for good!
I developed it with a lot of love and heart & soul. At the beginning of the year, the first groups started online and it is heartwarming to see the transformation among the students! And yes it works perfectly online too.
My heart does a happy dance with EnergyJoy because I am well aware that those who follow this course can and will make the world a better place. Purely because of what they take in and the energy that shifts to higher frequencies.
The higher your energy, the more you can move.
This morning many viewers of the masterclass reacted in the chat that they felt warmth and were actually amazed at what they perceive and feel. Well, I can tell you. That is the energy that we put in motion together. You respond to my frequency and together we shift. How beautiful is that? In this way, healing can and may take place through many layers.
You will then radiate and resonate that energy again.
So that when you walk down the street, people look back, purely because of the gigantic light you have in and around you.
That brings me back to a moment that is special to me …
Years ago at the airport (Schiphol), on my way to England for mediumship training, I was putting on my boots and belt after the security check, when I felt I was being watched. Do you know that feeling? You can just sense that someone is watching you. So I turned around and there was a beautiful young man standing looking at me. I immediately felt kind of honoured for the intense, deep gaze he sent my way for many seconds.
He stared at me but also sort of looked through me. Very intrusive. I looked back and I remember that I had the time (in my mind), to wish him a good journey and a beautiful life. Wherever he went.
I mean it was at Schiphol where everyone gets on a plane and then disappears to all corners of the world.
But not much later I bought a drink at a kiosk and I felt the same ‘being watched’ sensation again. So I turned around. And yes, the same beautiful young man looked at me the same way again.
Now I became really uncomfortable, as a woman travelling alone I felt vulnerable, so I quickly walked to the gate.
As I was waiting to board, suddenly someone came and stood next to me. Well, you guessed it, the young man introduced himself and guess what. He was on his way to the same training programme in England.
One of those moments when you hope the ground opens up beneath your feet and you can disappear for a while … Haha unfortunately, that didn't happen.
Now you may be wondering, Lisette, nice story but why are you telling us this?
First, this man has become a very good and very dear colleague and friend. He helped me work through many layers and I will always be grateful to him. Also, I don't believe in chance encounters anymore.
And secondly:
I remember asking him some time later: ‘Do you remember when you were at Schiphol, when you looked at me like that? Why did you do that?’
Then he said: ‘Your light wasn't normal’!
Well, I was dumbfounded at the time. What … Oh Wow, my light?!
He saw my light and was attracted to it.
Until then, I was only aware that I was getting attention because of my appearance. But my light … That one was new. Very special and a memory I will never forget because of the impact, power and shift it set in motion for me.
And that brings me to why I'm sharing this moment of my life with you. Because this is what will happen when you shift. If you start working on yourself, your energy and transformation.
Then your energy will shift and your internal light will shine brighter. This can be seen by everyone, even those who are not sensitive to energy.
Some who are more advanced call it: ‘Your light’, as was my special experience, others will stare at you and say: ‘Something has changed about you, is it your hair? New clothes?’ And that is another form of recognition! Then you know that they perceive your internal flame, your powerful light, your essence and soul energy.
How beautiful is that!
So if you're ready to work on your light and start shining in a way you never thought possible, then I want to introduce you to the Master Your Intuition Academy! My online training programme with which I take you through the world of energy and intuition in 7 weeks.
Packed with modules, videos, exercises, tips, tools, meditations, visualisations and hypnosis that will change your life forever and shift you to the frequency of EnergyJoy and beyond.
You are going to turn your light on so it shines bright. Yes, it’s super exciting but also so beautiful. As you listen to this you’ll immediately feel, right now whether this is for you or not.
Don't think, feel. You immediately feel a 'bubbly' yes and a happy enthusiastic feeling or an immediate no. But usually the fears and doubts and objections do not surface until later. That's your mind. I will also teach you that difference in the masterclass, and in various podcasts.
Sometimes the investment in yourself can be a hindrance. But if I'm honest, I've done a lot of training where I didn't even know if I could afford the last lesson, especially in the beginning. But I did it anyway, I trusted my inner knowing and that the universe would make it right. And yes, it always has been! Then assignments came in and I could pay for everything. Very special and also proof that I was on the right track.
So trust and take that step when you feel that ‘Yes’.
'The biggest change is on the other side of fear': Tony Robbins always says.
Is it time for you? Is it time to let your real, natural, authentic light shine and shine as it is destined to from a soul's perspective?
Then you now know what is the right direction for you.
And yes, if you feel it is right to work with me, then the Master Your Intuition Academy is the starting point. With this you lay the powerful and essential foundation and after that you can train and develop further.
The next step is: the Master Your Inner-Medium Academy. This in-depth course will soon be launched for students who have completed the Intuition Academy and want to continue and want more.
So, so much beauty ahead.
Do you want to shift with me and with the new groups?
Send an email to: info@lisettelucas.nl or sign up for the masterclass via www.lisettelucas.nl/webinar or directly at the Master Your Intuition Academy page.
Note: The Masterclass has special bonuses that you don't want to miss. They are essential and are a great way to get in the right mood and energy frequency.
The place to get acquainted with working with energy and intuition.
I promise you a world will open up for you.
Because if an hour-long masterclass can set so much in motion, think of how much you’ll master in weeks and months. All this new knowledge becomes truly integrated so that it is part of you.
Then you become that beacon of light that can help, support, direct and guide people. That will make you happier than you could ever have imagined. It’s something (and I speak from experience) that gives such an intense satisfaction. And it's not about money or wealth or status. No, it's about the satisfaction you receive in contributing to something.
I just received a registration from a beautiful lady who knows me from my podcast. She applied and she said her age. My heart blossomed, wow, how wonderful when you take this step at a later age. How fantastic and the tears were streaming down my cheeks because this is what I do it for. Touching people so that they can touch people again. I feel intensely rich and grateful. Thank you for listening all the way to the end and hopefully it has planted a seed in you so that you can be and become the best version of yourself in any way.
A big thank you hug from me.
All rights reserved EnergyJoy © 2021