16th november 2022
Lisette Lucas
Are you looking for more? Searching for something new?
Are you longing for something different? Something unique?
Do you feel an inexplicable attraction to the world of energy? Are you experiencing a bubbling curiosity?
Perhaps you need new groundbreaking tools & skills for your existing business? Or maybe even want to start your own High-Frequency (HF) Coaching business?
Then in this episode, discover the power of my 3-year training programme! The programme gets you to the High-Frequency (HF) level so that you can start your own business with a flying start or enrich your existing business with HF tools & skills.
And remember: You already have all the tools within you, working with energy is the most natural thing there is! It just needs to be activated again so that your transformation to HF level is accelerated.
(The shownotes for this episode can be found at: www.LisetteLucas.com/146)
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Welcome to Podcast #146!
I don't believe in coincidence and the fact that you are listening to this is very special in itself, when you consider the ocean of incoming information you’re always receiving!
So that’s good news, for this came your way because we are literally on the same frequency. Then you chose to listen because in some form you experienced an internal knowing, in you or around you, which told you to.
You can call it your intuition, you can call it your inner knowing or the voice of your soul. You can also call it synchronicity in which coincidences come your way for your highest good and evolution.
That’s what I want to talk about today - growth and evolution: are you ready to take powerful steps for your highest good, and then that of the world? Then you are here in the right place, at the right time!
Because in this episode I want to take you through the journey of my 3-year training programme. Not so much content, because you can find that online on my website - I'll put the link in the shownotes. But more about what will happen energetically in terms of awakening and on a transformative level as soon as you open up to change.
For change will come if you start the 3-year journey: it will hugely shift, enrich and transform your life in the most positive sense of the word! It’s designed to supercharge you straight into your ultimate power and potential. And yes, that can be super exciting and scary, I know from my own experience. But you are here now, so it is clearly something that you, your heart and soul desire, because honestly, you wouldn't have listened this far if you didn’t.
So how does it work?
As soon as new students enter my EnergyJoy Mastery Academy, for the professional training path, we first go through an introductory & intake round. This is essential as our energies need to match and resonate.
In addition, I check your energetic potential and whether this is the right time to enter on a soul level.
You really have to be ready. Well, as far as possible … what I actually mean is: I need to hear a ‘Yes!’ from your soul. As soon as I connect energetically with you, I quickly get that very clearly from the Soul to Soul connection. Sometimes I receive this before you even have it completely clear in your mind. Which leads me immediately to a great insight and the most important lesson: Energy works faster than thinking! So trust the energetic frequencies. That's where the answers and insights are hidden and stored.
And another important thing, because there is a contraindication for participating in the training: that’s if you’ve ever had a psychosis in the past. This is because we are going to work powerfully with energetic frequencies. In other words: increase the energy in your physical and energy body. When your system has been overloaded and this has manifested itself in a psychosis, it is advisable to work on energetic grounding and working through trauma first. Do you have questions about this or are you unsure whether this is for you? Send me a DM or email at info@lisettelucas.nl
But otherwise anyone who is sensitive and empathetic can start this 3-year programme.
In 3 years I will train you to become a professional High-Frequency Coach® & Success Medium®. And these are terms and names that you will not encounter anywhere else, because I have developed them myself through my system: my EnergyJoy System which offers certification upon completion of the programme. So you will then become an officially Recognised EnergyJoy Practitioner©.
I can tell you: you will not find this trajectory anywhere else. It is absolutely unique in design and concept. For it came to me with the help of my own spiritual guidance, my Spirit Team as I call them, and cosmic downloads created through me. Using these methods you too can distinguish yourself from ‘the rest’, so to speak. This is something I will teach how to do on the programme too.
And yes, to be honest, I'm pretty proud of that fact.
Through my own development and personal transformation of falling, getting up, falling and getting up again, I have been able to develop a hugely powerful trajectory. Which shows you not only learn to work energy, intuition, spirit and everything else there. But you will also work on a deep, subconscious level on your inner, personal transformation.
You will, as it were, reset your trauma and work on the old parts found in the deepest layers through the programme. This is essential because for your work as an HF coach and success medium you have to be a kind of 'hollow tree' - you must be able to let the energy flow freely through you.
Otherwise all the old hurts will get in your way and trigger you when you start working with people and spirit. And that's not good. That stagnates and clouds your perceptions.
So that's why the 3-year programme is a powerful trajectory of energetic awakening and above all, personal transformation: breaking down blocks, clearing, rediscovering yourself, re-wiring, upgrading to grow and develop.
From my own personal experience as a medium, coach and mentor, I say this is the most beautiful gift you can and may give yourself in this life. It's like coming home to the true essence of your being. Like stepping into your birthright! Purely being who you really are!
Over the course of this programme you clean yourself up, so to speak. You learn to shift your energy and frequency - to raise it - which means your life will automatically change. Purely because you start living on a different timeline. (If you want to know more about timelines, listen to Podcast #145 where I talk about them and the power of shifting them. Super interesting if I do say so myself!)
But I hope you understand now, becoming a HF Coach & Success Medium doesn't happen overnight. It is a journey of cleaning and growth.
So do you really want to go all-in and develop and transform at the best and highest level?
Then opt for a minimum 3-year trajectory with someone who has been trained by the best in the world.
Why? Well, you can't on the cheap clean up and transform all your old 'shit' (sorry for the word) in a weekend course.
For all those old stories, that's impossible!
So do you want to start? Then start right away! Invest in yourself, your soul! Everything you learn in this life, you carry forward on your soul's hard drive through lifetimes - so it's the most valuable investment you can make!
How do the 3 years go?
First: The years fly by! Really! Because you're really going to live it on an energetic level. It becomes part of who you are.
And in the 3-year training programme of my Master Your Inner-Medium Academy, I see that many old patterns, blocks and outdated beliefs come to the surface in the first year. Intensive personal and professional guidance in this is an absolute must! As a therapist, I have all intervention techniques available to guide you in this. (Tools that I also teach you by the way.)
And that is why I also opted for this 3-year accrual. So that everyone can transform and shift step by step in a safe but also powerful way.
So year 1 is mainly about discovery and powerfully laying the foundation in grounding and energetically learning to drain the excess energy. And of course, learning to play and work with energy on an energetic, intuitive and soul level.
In addition, we will work vigorously on your mindset and frequency. The most powerful way to do so means working with the subconscious mind. So we're going to utilise a combination of proven therapies and techniques so you can create huge shifts.
What are we going to work towards in 3 years?
The undertone and common thread through the process is towards working towards establishing your own soul-aligned mission and purpose - your life purpose.
This is different for everyone and gradually your path becomes brighter and clearer, a wonderful process of development. It’s something that for me is the most beautiful thing: helping someone fully into their own strength and soul potential. So that they can do what they’re actually destined to do here on earth.
There’s absolutely a no 'one-size fits all' approach. No, you are unique, and we are going to highlight those strengths and talents.
Year 1 (level 1) is hugely transformative and that will of course continue in year 2 (level 2). In the 2nd year you’ll notice that you will settle down more and get used to working with energy.
(In year 3, by the way, it becomes the most normal thing in the world: to see colours in someone, to see qualities in them without exchanging a word with them yet, and even see their deceased loved ones with them, you can also feel in a flash what someone needs to live their potential. Really very special if I do say so myself.)
Recently a student said: Why don't we learn this in school?! Well, good question … But fortunately, working with energy is becoming more and more normal. And remember: Your transformation and frequency contributes enormously to the shifting of the global frequency. So, it is so very needed!
But in year 2 (level 2): after successfully completing level 1, you will make real flying hours, which will make you feel increasingly safe with embracing energy. Meaning you will feel more and more at home in your new frequency, as well as with your new tools and skills.
In year 2 you will also start doing practice consultations, readings and sessions. Of course, everyone does so at their own pace and when they are ready. But you can already ask for a financial energy exchange at practice level from the 2nd year.
It really can go that fast. Year 2 is really reinstalling ‘new’ energetic paths and patterns, so that you can become one again with who you are from your birthright.
From there you can continue to year 3 and then we really get to work. Here you will really work with clients where you can already get paid for the 1:1 session.
Yes, I know, super exciting. But some of my 3rd year students have their business up and running before they even finish the Inner-Medium Academy! How great is that! Proof that it works! And no, these people had no experience whatsoever before they started the training! So every empathetic and sensitive person with ambition and drive can do this too!
Of course, it depends on your own commitment and enthusiasm. Your drive in this is definitive. But when you have broken through old parts such as procrastination and other fears that hold you back, block and stagnate: then your light will literally be activated and accelerated! Then you move forward like a Soul of Fire! Then you really become Unstoppable!
There’s nothing more beautiful than to see souls awaken and take steps towards their ultimate life goal.
Then after 3 years you can become a recognised EnergyJoy Practitioner®, where you will find yourself in the EnergyJoy Leadership group of year 4. So that while you spread your own wings, you still have the support from the EnergyJoy frequency together with your peers, together with your like-minded colleagues.
Now, if you are ready to take steps but perhaps still have some doubts, then I have good news for you! I have made room for a limited number of HF potential readings, where we can look at your energy, your potential, what is possible for you; and of course, whether the 3-year training to become a recognised EnergyJoy Practitioner® is the right step for you!
And more good news, you only have to register for 1 year at a time. So, for example, if you have to take some time-out or stop after 1 year due to circumstances, no problem. You can always join or catch up with other groups later.
I do have a special bonus for those who go All-Inn! Because personally I love that All-Inn Frequency! So a wonderful bonus for those who immediately say 'Yes', a big ‘YES!’ to the 3 year commitment, the commitment you make to yourself, your Soulful Self. If this is you, then I can tell you more about this in the HF potential reading.
Does this feel good?! Book your HF Potential reading directly via the special link in the shownotes at: www.LisetteLucas.com/146 .
I look forward to meeting or seeing you again!
Thank you for listening. Again, I know: Coincidence does not exist, you are here for a reason. So now feel an enthusiastic bubbling feeling inside and around you. Feel: has your energy opened up to the frequency of EnergyJoy, joy, love, curiosity and gratitude through this moment and this information and insights? Then you are in the right place at the right time.
Please note it’s important to know: the doors of the Master Your Inner-Medium Academy (the full trajectory) only open once a year! So do make sure you are there on time. Use the energy of this momentum and besides, it's a shame to miss energetic flying hours!
Thanks again for listening and I look forward to speaking and seeing you soon!
X Lisette
EnergyJoy by Lisette Lucas | All rights reserved 2022©