31st march 2021
Lisette Lucas
Podcast 61. AM Morning Activation: The Meditation To Start Your Day Powerfully And Successfully So You Live In The Manifestation Frequency Of EnergyJoy And Beyond!
Question: How do you get out of bed in the morning?
Vital, fit, sparkling and powerful?
Or would you rather turn around and use the snooze button indefinitely?
Activate yourself every morning with this powerful AM morning meditation straight from your bed!
So that you have already created the outcome of the day on an energetic level before you get out of bed
You will immediately shift your energy and frequency so that you can set everything in motion and manifest whatever you want
Welcome to Podcast #61!
It's great that you make time for yourself! That is step #1 towards a powerful transformation and creating a beautiful life on your terms.
I've wanted to make this podcast for a long time, but it always felt like it wasn't quite the right time.
Until today!
Because what I'm going to share with you is something that changed my life forever. I went back to my notes and found that I discovered this technique and powerful method exactly 10 years ago. In 2011, I still remember taking the sessions every morning and evening. It felt so good that I listened faithfully every morning and evening for months. I couldn't get up until I listened and I couldn't go to sleep until I listened. I had made the appointment with myself and above all, I felt that this would help me. Helping through difficult times, moments of challenges and above all shifting how I felt during the day.
It gave me strength, inspiration and confidence. It made me realise that living in the frequency and mindset of 'Always come from a place of love' felt so good. I've come to embrace it, live it and breathe it.
I felt that the love for myself, the gratitude, the tranquillity, the peace and the love experienced in everything and everyone, had a huge effect on me.
It gave me a calmness, peace and strength that I could radiate again. It seemed like everything was going to fall into place. Synchronicity, everything started moving. And when I now look at where I am now, I dare to say that this morning and evening activation have shifted my life forever in the most positive sense of the word.
And so the time has come to share this with you. It is a combination of techniques, tools and insights that have greatly enriched me and many others over the years.
So now the question for you: Are you ready to make the commitment with yourself?
Do you feel you are ready to shift on a daily basis to the frequency of EnergyJoy and beyond?
Then this is the activation for you!
Today you get the AM activation, in other words the morning activation that you can listen to immediately when you wake up.
It activates you for the day.
And yes, in the next podcast I will share the PM activation so that you can also let go, relax and transform during the night.
I also grant you what it has done for me and still does. It has now become part of who I am. It is stored in subconscious layers. I breathe it, I live it, it flows naturally through me in the morning and that feels wonderful. So now it's up to you.
Make it your routine, your personal ritual, your moment.
So this shot is really for the morning. If you are driving a vehicle, you can park your car to the side. Or save it for tomorrow morning. This is because of the relaxing effect.
And good news! Are you looking for the separate recording of the activation? Then you can find it with all other meditations in my free Lisette Lucas App. Soon available for free download in the Google Play store and Apple iTunes store. Then you have all the powerful tools, sessions, meditations, visualisations, hypnosis tapes and podcasts available for free. And if you want more, want to go deeper, are ready to become the best version of yourself and go for it 100%, you will also find the Master Your Intuition Academy and the exclusive EnergyJoy membership program, all directly available in a well-arranged app … more on this later.
So when you're ready, let's get started. In the show notes at: www.lisettelucas.com/61 you will find all notes and I will also put the time note when the AM EnergyJoy morning activation starts. Then you can scroll there every morning.
AM Morning Activation
(Script not available)
Listen at: www.lisettelucas.com/61
Welcome back.
I wish you a beautiful day, let everything go and trust.
Thank you so much for listening to my podcast and doing the AM Morning activation.
The next podcast is the PM evening activation to end the day nicely and to sleep well.
At www.lisettelucas.com/61 you will find the show notes of this episode.
I wish you a wonderful day, and please share your experiences, that makes me super happy. Thanks again and see you next time!
Love Lisette
All rights reserved EnergyJoy © 2021