23rd september 2020
Lisette Lucas
Podcast 34. Train And Develop Your Intuitive & Mediumistic Powers And Transform To A Level You Couldn't Have Thought Possible Before + My 15 Steps For Ultimate Spiritual Transformation.
Imagine: you are stuck, you want change and you want to transform your sensitive pitfalls into sensitive forces.
In this podcast you will learn more about my yearlong course which I have personally developed to help you strengthen and discover natural strengths you have within.
I promise you, in a year's time your life will transform in a way you could not (and did not) dare to imagine beforehand. So that you can apply your ultimate bundle of strengths, talents and potential to create the life you desire.
Welcome to Podcast 34!
It’s great that you are listening! This podcast is specifically focussed on the yearlong programme that I have developed. In this programme I share a system with which you learn to apply all your energetic, intuitive and mediumistic powers and talents; a part of yourself, which is usually in a latent, sleeping position for most people during life.
Most often it takes a turning point to set it in motion. An experience that has a huge impact like: a trauma, a disease, the loss of loved ones, a personal struggle or anything else triggering. An event that makes you reach the point of: enough is enough!
That point where you feel that something needs to change. Are you in this space, or are you just curious about the possibilities that already exist in you? Then this is the podcast for you.
If you have listened to previous podcasts then you’ll know a bit of my story, how I also reached a point where I felt, deep down, that something had to change. I felt a kind of indescribable longing for more. Not so much from the outside but more from the inside. I now describe it as a Soul-pull, a deep attraction from my Soul, a deep knowing to discover something I did not know in this life.
I have followed that inexplicable voice and it has brought me to the point where I am now.
For many years I have been allowed to pass on my own knowledge and expertise with a lot of love. This experience led to the creation of my yearlong course- so that I can help and support people who also have this need for change, in a positive and supportive environment.
Soon it will be that time again! A new year is approaching which brings new year courses. These courses are for both the less experienced and the very experienced. Whether you have no previous experience or are looking to fine-tune and build on known strengths and talents through working on that foundation. For really, that foundation is the most essential thing there is.
If you build a house you start with the foundation. Is this first layer solid, strong and stable? Impervious to knocks? Then it will greatly benefit you in life. A solid foundation helps and protects you and can be strengthened with tools, tips and techniques. And yes, your mindset is key too- because really, if you become very powerful and live your mission, then you become, as I already said in podcast 33: magnetic! People will come to you for questions, help and advice. That is a wonderful thing, but you also have to protect yourself. In other words, you have to learn to sense your own boundaries and also how to indicate them in a loving and yet powerful way. That’s because the pitfall of many sensitive people, empathetic people and HSPs is to ignore yourself for others.
Others first and then you ... yes, believe me … been there, done that! Operating in this way is incredibly taxing- both emotionally and physically. So whether you want to work professionally with what you learn or choose to study just for yourself. Learning your boundaries is an absolute gift for yourself! It is a piece of personal development that every student, every single course participant has said after learning: ’Why don't we just learn this at school?!’
Well, to be honest … it truly hurts me that it is not taught. But there’s no point wallowing and so I have turned that pain into action. I have made it my job to show that there is so much more than the limited rational that is now assumed.
It just takes time and that time starts with you. I always say if I can help, support, assist and even heal 1 person per day, then the effects are surprisingly far reaching. There is a kind of gigantic ripple effect. Just think of a stone that you throw into calm, still water. The splash creates a wave but following that there are many rings of ripples, making the wave effect huge!
You are like this stone: once you have helped and healed yourself, there will be a huge ripple effect on your environment. Your smile, your energy, your love has a direct effect on the people around you, and thus also how they feel.
Last week something touched me deeply and made me very grateful. A sweet podcast listener, who I have never met, started working with the tips and tools from my podcasts. She saw the effect on herself but also saw a ripple effect in the environment around her. What’s even better is that she writes about her experiences in her own blog! How fantastic is that! In this way she creates a healing effect on others while healing and transforming herself. The ultimate example of the power of transformation!
You can read more about this on my personal facebook page: www.facebook.com/lisettelucas and my practice facebook page: www.facebook.com/energyjoy It would also be lovely to connect that way.
The show notes for this episode can be found at www.LisetteLucas.com/34
Here I will also place the links so you can read them back at your leisure.
Regardless, I want to thank and reward her for taking action, sharing her story through her blog and for being so enthusiastic on social media. She doesn't know yet, but Ingrid, congratulations! I offer you a private consultation worth € 150 via Zoom. Having taken action and shown an openness and vulnerability you are a wonderful example to many. You can contact me via info@lisettelucas.nl then we will schedule a date for a Zoom consultation!
You have also inspired me and I want to do this more often. So do you regularly listen to my podcast, apply the tips and experience change in your life? In fact, do the people around you also experience a positive effect? Share it with me! Share it with others, share it on social media, and who knows, you might be the next lucky one.
What a wonderful example that taking action is rewarded.
This is why I want to share more actionable steps with my 15 steps for ultimate spiritual transformation and also outline what we teach in the year training I offer.
So what happens if you go through these steps and train with us? Then I promise you, you will also be rewarded in a way that you could not and did not dare to imagine beforehand. You will discover aspects of yourself that will enrich your life immensely, that will give your life more meaning and depth. As a result, more fulfillment and joy! In other words, a lot of EnergyJoy!
It is also a process of personal transformation and development that sets in motion a powerful healing effect on many levels.
Here are the 15 steps we go through together in one year, if you choose transformation:
1. Energetic awareness: You learn to work with your energetic body, so that you get (more) control over your energy field. This makes you feel more grounded, so that you can deal with situations and circumstances more easily, and can use your energy to achieve what you want and wish for in life. Podcasts 1, 2, 3 and 4 are also about this.
2. Colours: You learn to work with colours, learn to read them, feel them and perceive intuitively. Using your clairsentient abilities you will learn to see and read a colour in someone, bringing a wealth of information about them. Really, you can do this too! Podcast 15 gives you more insight into working with colours.
3. Aura: You learn to see, feel and read the energy field (the aura). You will also learn techniques of aura & energy healing which you can use to help and heal yourself and others. In Podcast 7 you can get acquainted with an aura exercise.
4. Chakras: You receive insight into the chakras- the energy centers of the physical & energetic body. You learn the basic meaning of the chakras and learn to feel and read them.
5. Psychometrics: You learn how to read and feel the energy of photos (people / animals) & objects.
6. Psychic readings: You learn how to do "1:1 readings" / "private consultations". This allows you to give insights into what is going on in the life of the person. You learn to feel how to read the Soul energy and what the potential, the strengths, talents and possible pitfalls are of the person.
7. Mediumship: As soon as you’re confident in your psychic work, you can learn to take the steps to mediumship. This allows you to make contact with deceased loved ones. You learn to make contact through the "consultation" method as well as through the "public demonstration" method to bring you into contact with the spiritual world for the group. Podcast 20 provides more insight into your inner medium.
8. Spiritual guidance: You learn to make contact with your spiritual guidance through visualisation and meditation techniques.
9. The Power: You learn to step into The Power and work from this powerful dimension. Podcast 24 contains a powerful meditation to get to know this.
10. Inspired speaking: You will learn how to speak to the group through inspiration without preparation. You will also learn to overcome fears that will help you in every area of your life.
11. Consultations & readings: You learn through Lisette's simple step-by-step method how to give consultations and readings to clients very naturally and easily.
12. Meditation & visualisation: You learn different meditations and visualisations that help you in your personal and intuitive development. You will receive this via audio recording for home use.
13. Blockages: You will learn unique and special techniques with which you can detect, break through and transform energetic blockages. This will instantly transform your life. Podcast 8 & 29 give a little taster of what this entails.
14. Yourself: You step into a wonderful process of Personal growth, Transformation & Intuitive Development. You leave old parts behind, you heal and can become the person you are destined to be. Podcast 13 is a wonderful introduction to this.
15. Lisette Lucas: You will receive many examples from practice, public and personal situations from Lisette Lucas's (work) experience and perspective. She shares, from her heart & with great humour, her pitfalls and insights that she has experienced during her development. With this she gives you hands-on insights, tips and tools to get started.
All in all, a wonderful process that allows you to nourish yourself from within.
Tony Robbins always says: The best investment you can make is investing in yourself. And I can speak from experience that that is an absolute fact. We are here to grow, develop and evolve. Think what happens if something does not grow here on earth … well, then it dies.
So the choice is yours. Choose growth in any area and on any level! If only you choose for yourself, that's the key! Then you can transform and become the best version of yourself as it was meant to be!
How beautiful is that!
If you have any questions regarding this podcast, you can always email me at info@lisettelucas.nl
Two new year courses will start in the new year.
Year course 1 is for beginners and people with a little experience in the field of intuitive and / or spiritual development
The year course 2 is for people who have followed year course 1, or people with experience in the field of psychics and / or some experience in the field of media work.
Please note: I only have a limited number of spaces available. The lessons take place both Live and Online. This is because the world is in flux and so a hybrid course allows us to continue, regardless of global conditions. Everything is energy, so you can also work perfectly with energy online. Lessons are always streamed live, so if you are not allowed to leave the house due to government guidelines, you will not miss anything because you can simply be there via the Zoom room.
I am working on a new course too that is perfect if: you are a beginner, think a whole year is too big of a step, or you are not near to the Netherlands.
Simply keep an eye on my mailing and social media (both Facebook and Instagram), as in January I am launching my newest programme: a digital beginner programme to build intuitive development! You can follow this completely at your own pace from your own safe, trusted environment. More on that later!
I hope you have been inspired to take the steps that feel good for you.
Will it be exciting? Yes!
Will it be scary? Yes!
Will you be happy when you take the plunge? Absolutely!
Follow your heart and Soul, within 3 seconds you will know your ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
After 3 seconds, your primal programming takes over, which always acts out of fear and wants to keep you 'false safe' in your current situation and circumstances.
Recognise the difference and take action in the direction of your dreams and deepest soul desires!
I hope to meet you, live or virtual!
It’s great that you have listened and see you soon!
And oh yes, the show notes and all information for the annual courses can be found here: www.LisetteLucas.com/34
I wish you a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening or night, great that we had this moment together!
All rights reserved EnergyJoy 2020