Demonstration of Mediumship
We organise demonstrations of mediumship on a regular base. By working together with several very talented mediums at different locations throughout The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Watch our Agenda for the locations and dates.
Lisette is organising once every 2 months a demonstration of mediumship at the beautiful estate and church Op Hodenpijl in Schipluiden. (between The Hague and Delft, South-Holland)
Together with collegue mediums and friends who she met during several national and international training programs. In this way we can create, together with the audience , an powerful energy which is perfect to make contacts with your loved ones in the Spirit World.
Would you like to attend an evening of mediumship? Please contact us to make a reservation through this website or email: info@lisettelucas.nl
We look forward to see you during one of ur special evenings.
*Price depends on location.
*Every demonstration is Dutch spoken, but for special requests and international demonstration is English possible.
*If we work with international mediums the evening will be partial English spoken.
Video: What is a demonstration of mediumship? (English subtitles available)

Op Hodenpijl in Schipluiden (NL)
The beautiful restored church at Estate Op Hodenpijl is the location for demonstrations of mediumship.
Once every 2 months demonstrations will be organised.
Look at our AGENDA for exact dates and language.
Working together with other mediums

Estate and Church Op HodenPijl
The location for several demonstrations and courses organised by Lisette Lucas